Enrollment Questions
What is the school’s total enrollment?
Our enrollment average for the whole school is about 100 children.
How many spots do you anticipate being open every year?
There is an average of 25 spots that are open each year, between all four age groups.
How many new children are added to each group every year?
The amount of new children in each group changes annually.
When can I send in my application?
Applications will only be accepted from October 1 – December 31, prior to the year they would be enrolled.
Do you charge an application fee?
Yes, we charge a $50 non-refundable processing fee. Your application will not be processed if the fee is not enclosed (we accept checks and money orders). The processing fee is waived for families who qualify for subsidy; see the Subsidized Care tab for details.
Do you accept subsidy?
Yes, we do accept subsidy. Please see the Subsidized Care tab on the Enrollment page for more information.
Does my child have to attend all the hours they are contracted for?
No, but you are financially responsible for all contracted time.
How old must my child be in order to be eligible?
All applicants must be at least 18 months within September of the year that they are applying, but no older than 5 years as of September 1 of the year that they are applying.
Does my child need to be potty trained?
It is not required that your child(ren) be potty trained to attend Moonstone. However, in order to participate in field trips, children must be potty trained.
Do many families from the neighborhood enroll?
Yes, many of our current families do live in walking distance but we do have students from all over the city.
What happens if my child does not receive a spot this year?
Moonstone will keep your application on file until March. We will continue to pull from the lottery if a spot opens up mid-year. If this does not happen, you must re-apply for the following year.
How does Moonstone maintain diversity?
Moonstone strives to make learning accessible to all children, and we believe it is important to experience an environment that embraces people’s differences. Interaction should be with people who do not look alike, sound alike, think alike, or solve problems in the same ways. This is why we embrace Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences. It allows teachers to tap into the individual learning style of each child and to see multiple approaches to everything. The various intelligences correspond to art forms and there is no single answer to anything. Admissions through our basic lottery are made without regard to race, color, religion, creed, disability, ancestry, national origin (including limited English proficiency), age, or sex. We give preference in enrollment to siblings and families who qualify for CCIS subsidy.

Operational Questions
What are your hours of operation?
Moonstone is open from 8:00 am – 6:00 pm.
Does your school close in the summer?
No, Moonstone is open year around.
When does Moonstone close?
Moonstone is closed on national holidays and during inclement weather (when the School District of Philadelphia is closed). A closure list is provided once you are enrolled.
Do you accept credit cards as a method of payment?
At this time, Moonstone does not accept credit cards.
Program Questions
What are your class sizes?
The class sizes slightly vary annually. They average 13 in the new moon group (18 months-2yrs), 18 in the blue moon group (2-3yrs), 21 in the half moon group (3-4yrs), and 23 in the full moon group (4-5yrs).
What is your teacher to child ratio?
Moonstone, at minimum, follows the state requirements for each age group; but we try to average a 1:5 ratio throughout the entire school regularly.
What happens during curriculum?
Moonstone’s curriculum is based on Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. There is a weekly/monthly central theme that all of the classes are focused on. The classes include library, art, music, ABC’s, and Spanish. You can find a sample of the daily curriculum here.
Do all age groups intermingle at any time throughout the day?
Yes, all age groups have time to interact during the day. The two main times are during whole school music in the morning and during free expression in the afternoon.
Do you take the children on field trips?
Yes. There are about two field trips per month. We take the children all over the city and surrounding areas. Children must be potty trained and scheduled to attend school on the day of the trip. Field trips are an additional cost apart from tuition.
How do you get to field trips?
We use a trusted bus company to get to our field trip destinations. We have been using the same company for over five years.
Where do your children go out to play?
Weather permitting, we go Seger Park or Hawthorne Park in the morning and to Palumbo park in the afternoon. All outings are at the discretion of the director.
How often do parents get to meet with teachers or administration?
Moonstone schedules parent/teacher conference twice a year to discuss each child’s development individually. On a daily basis, parents are able to schedule a meeting with the director or casually speak with teachers about any concerns.
Does Moonstone have a kindergarten program?
No, Moonstone does not have a kindergarten program. Since Moonstone prides itself on working with parents for the benefit of their children, we are available to consult on the kindergarten selection progress.
Staff Questions
How many people make up your staff?
We currently have twenty people on staff.
What are the educational backgrounds of the staff?
Moonstone prides itself on the diversity of its staff. The director, has a Master’s Degree in Education. The rest of the staff (male, female, and trans) have a mixture of backgrounds in education and the arts.
What background checks are required for your staff?
Moonstone requires that every staff member have a Child Abuse clearance, a Criminal check, and an FBI check.
What training does your staff have?
Moonstone requires that all staff is trained in First Aid / CPR, Fire Safety, and receives twelve hours of annual education training. Trainings have included topics such as Howard Gardner, Inclusive Classrooms, NAEYC Accreditation, Developmentally Appropriate Practices, Social & Emotional Development, Positive Discipline Techniques, Behavior Management, Child Observation, Peer Communication, and Parent Communication.